The design of the convergent lens and the light-out part can enhance the brightness of the illuminating direction and increase the availability ratio of light. 通过聚光透镜及其出光部的设计,可以增强照明方向的亮度,提高光利用率。
On the basis of the technical requirement of local vacuum electron beam welding as well as according to the parameters given, the convergent half-angle, dimensions of light route, and parameters and structure of magnetic lens are obtained by means of calculation. 根据局部真空电子束焊接技术的要求,依据已给定的参数,通过计算得到了电子束会聚半角、光路尺寸、磁透镜的参数和结构。
In this thesis, we propose a new method to generate a focused hollow laser beam by using an azimuthally-distributed 2 π-phase plate and a convergent thin lens. 本文提出了采用2π位相板法产生聚焦中空光束的新方法。
This paper presents a new linear scanning optical system, which consists of a pair of microlens arrays in the Galilean telescopic geometry and a common convergent lens. 本文介绍了一种新型的线性扫描光学系统,它由一对处于望远型结构的微透镜阵列和一个普通的会聚透镜组成。
There are two methods of converging calibration light, one is using convergent lens, the others self-focus lens. 根据聚光结构的不同,定标光源使用聚光镜和自聚焦镜两种方案;